About the event:  Lab & Diagnostics of The Future

“Lab & Diagnotsics of The Future” – the place to promote tomorrow's diagnostics

We need to highlight tomorrow's innovative lab techniques in different types of diagnostics. This aim marked the beginning of the international seminar Lab & Diagnostics that was kicked off in 2019.

In 2019, Life Science Sweden with Kemivärlden, decided to launch a new international seminar focusing on tomorrow's diagnostics and lab techniques. The Lab & Diagnostics of the Future seminar is free of charge and is organised annually.

– Primarily, I feel that the Nordic countries need a new international forum to highlight and boost tomorrow's innovative lab techniques in different types of diagnostics with the aim to arouse interest and create a dialogue between decision makers in healthcare, county councils, lab tech, diagnostics companies and the pharmaceutical industry, says Maria Eriksson, M. Mc. Medical Biology, Business Development Manager at Life Science Sweden and founder of the event.

The ambition is a quicker implementation of tomorrow´s diagnostics, ultimately ensuring that more lives can be saved. This can be achieved through diagnosis and tailor-made treatment even before the symptoms appear.

– With this meeting, we create a platform where both Swedish and foreign players meet up with entrepreneurs/innovators, researchers and lab managers. These are players whose lab techniques have recently been put to use in routine analyses at hospital labs, but we must also listen to various startups with high-potential projects that are still at research and development stages.

Who is the target group at this seminar?

– The meeting is primarily aimed at decision-makers in health care and the regions, such as politicians, contractors and lab managers. Other important target groups are pharmaceutical companies with development and precision medicine products.

A number of startups will also be present together with other companies and projects with great growth potential, which is why investors are also a target group at this seminar. Since the development of various diagnostic tests often takes place in collaboration between academic researchers and large companies, such as e.g. Roche, several large companies will certainly attend with the aim to initiate new collaborations and commercialisation of the various technologies/innovations presented during the seminar day.

The seminar has a relevant program that addresses the sensational advances in diagnostics. This affects everyone as individuals and patients, but it also affects the pharmaceutical industry, which is increasingly focusing on tailor-made drugs through new diagnostics.

– Lab & Diagnostics of the Future is a unique platform that lets you connect with key people and key decision makers in the field – all under one roof. The event aims to create new collaborations, also beyond the borders of your own country.

What can you expect as a visitor?

- Not merely to listen to an exciting agenda, but also to be involved, to ask questions and create a dialogue with the speakers, and there will be 5 minutes reserved for this after each speech. Among other things, we will highlight how new and ultra-sensitive technologies will facilitate sampling and provide safer and faster results, which will benefit patients, health/medical care and our society in general.

Maria Eriksson, Medical Biologist, Business Development
Manager at Life Science Sweden and founder of
Lab & Dignostics of the Future